Par­tic­i­pa­to­ry Performance

„La Mama Exper­i­men­tal Theater“

New York 2019

Cre­at­ed and direct­ed by Uwe Mengel

In front of „La Mama“ on East 4th St.

Cast and Crew:
Josephine Lugaro.….….….….…..Alicia Bel­la
Babak Mansouri.….….….….….…Shah Motia
William D. Hoch.….….….….….…Lukas Sper­ber (Dead man in pho­to)
Uwe Mengel.….….….….….….….…Creator and Direc­tor
Sarah Rae Murphy.….….….….…Production Man­ag­er
Tae-Woo Kim.….….….….….….…..Production Intern
Video Editor.….….….….….….….…Bastian Kabuth
Video.….….….….….….….….….….….La Mama Archive

Acknowl­edg­ments and Thanks:
Every­day Mur­der has been made pos­si­ble by the gen­er­ous finan­cial sup­port from: Mixed Bless­ing The­ater e.V; H. Starmer; A. Klabunde-Veg; A.Kosse and H. Plesken.
Spe­cial thanks to: John Gutier­rez, Lukas Sper­ber and Bas­t­ian Kabuth.
And a very spe­cial thanks to Nicky Paraiso and the whole team at “La MaMa Exper­i­men­tal The­atre Club”.
