“Rock­e­feller and I” Part 1 

Per­for­mance at “La Mama Exper­i­men­tal The­ater“, New York May 2022

A Site Spe­cif­ic Per­for­mance by Uwe Men­gel & John Maria Gutierrez 

Direct­ed by Uwe Mengel 

Per­formed by John Maria Gutierrez 

“Rock­e­feller and I” Part 1 will be per­formed in loop for one hour (loop 20 minutes) 

“Rock­e­feller and I“ Part 1 is a solo per­for­mance in which John Maria Gutier­rez, son of a low income, some­times no income Domini­can immi­grant fam­i­ly con­fronts his life expe­ri­ence with anoth­er John, John D. Rock­e­feller Jr.


Orig­i­nal fund­ing for work­shops of “Rock­e­feller and I” made pos­si­ble by City Artists Corps Grants in Fall 2021

“Rock­e­feller And I” is made pos­si­ble by the gen­er­ous finan­cial sup­port from: Mixed Bless­ing The­ater e.V;  Aan­ge­li­ka Kosse and Har­ald Stamer